My 1st Canada Photo Shoot!

Photographer: Aly |
Route: Chinatown, Victoria, Canada


United States

Travel Story

This was my first trip to Victoria British Columbia, Canada. It was also my first photo shoot in Canada, it was an experience unlike any other, and one I would not mind having again. The sun was out the day before, but not the day these pics were taken. I had to battle the elements to get the shots, I needed and wanted the most. The rain was most troublesome at the beginning of the shoot, but by the end of the photo shoot, it had subsided for the most. I was very excited when I saw the photos I had taken and knew I had made the right choice to document my stay and do a photo shoot at the same time! My photographer, Aly was the one who chose the spots for us to shoot pictures at, I owe these good shots to her!

Travel Tips

I like 'habit café', where you can pick up a shot of coffee or tea most easily. The Fairmount Empress restaurant where I stayed served food also. If you have spare time, I recommend the Inner Harbor, the legislative assembly building and Chinatown.

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