Choose Your Photographer in Naples, Italy, Italy
from $325 USD
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We are Barbara and Claudio - partners in life&work as full time photographers. We like to take those candid, relaxed images, to capture that 1/500 of a second that fully shows your happiness and joy, the one that is sometimes easy to overlook, the one we want to show you to prove 'yes, it's really you.' So in our photos we want you to be you. In the past, we had various jobs (Barbara: chef or in property rentals in London; Claudio: film assistant in Rome, chef in London), but we always had been orbiting around photography by doing our own projects. We jumped in full-time after we met each other in the UK and moved together to Claudio's hometown in Italy.

I'm a lifestyle photographer and a storyteller. My focus is to show human feelings, and I love to take pictures that capture emotion. My approach is very friendly and I truly love to meet people from other places around the world to share facts about our different home, lifestyles, and more.
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