Two Best Friend Families in Iceland

Photographer: Rakel Ósk |
Route: Custom Route, Reykjavik, Iceland


United States
@cmjw13 and willisworldadventures

Travel Story

We are two families that both love to travel. And we love when we sometimes get to travel together. On this trip, one family was going to be in Europe in June while the other was going to be there in primarily in July. So, we decided to meet in Iceland in between the two trips! Iceland completely blew us away at every turn with its beauty. It seemed like every few miles we would encounter a new waterfall or geyser, or a glacier or volcano. And in addition to the natural wonders, we absolutely loved the Icelandic people. We had the joy of stumbling upon what seemed like the entire town of Reykjavik gathered together downtown to watch Iceland compete in the World Cup. A huge screen was set up, folks laughed and smiled and cheered together- even when the team was defeated. That's not an experience we could have planned, and we were delighted to have the opportunity to feel like "real Icelanders" as we joined in on the celebrating.

Travel Tips

Reykjavik is a beautiful, easy to navigate city. We actually stayed about 40 minutes southeast of the city on the Golden Circle, and I highly recommend that. We had a small cabin that was easily accessible to the sights of the Golden Circle, but was also very convenient to spending time in downtown Reykjavik. Rent a car! Drive the Golden Circle! Don't plan too much, but let nature guide you to more and more of Iceland's beauty each mile you travel. For some adventure, I do highly recommend a buggy tour off beaten path. And I recommend visiting a glacier for a trek inside, or a walk on its surface.

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