My Family in Paris!!!
Photographer: Kirill
Route: Trocadéro, Paris, France
Travel Story
We were taking a family trip and were including my parents. They are accustomed to tropical destinations so this was a different kind of trip for them. They really loved Paris and we all enjoyed experiencing all that Paris has to offer, especially all the history!!! My parents and kids don't really take the train back in Chicago, so taking the metro in a different country was quite the experience for them. Luckily it was extremely easy to figure out and we were all pro's by the end of our trip! Their faces seeing the Eiffel Tower from the train and taking the train to their favorite attraction, Palace of Versailles was definitely a highlight.
Travel Tips
Research places to eat if you're going with family. Paris has a ton of small eateries. However, can be difficult to accommodate large families, like mine of 6. Yelp was very helpful and so was trip advisor. Going to get macarons and baked goods at Laduree is a MUST!