Tag: Cabo san Lucas

6 Ways to Practice Sustainable Travel

So, you want to start travelling with a little more mindfulness, but donā€™t know where to start? Sustainable travel doesnā€™t have to mean ditching your fancy hotel digs and living with no running water in a yurt. Hereā€™s what you can do to start reducing the impact your travel has on the environment and on local communities.

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Best Destinations for Cross-Generational Travel

Cross-generational travel gives parents, kids, grandparents, even great-grandparents, a chance to spend quality time with each other, especially if they happen to live in different parts of the world. Face-to-face bonding time (and did we mention hugs?) just canā€™t be replicated via phone or Facetime. Convinced yet? Read on for the best destinations for cross-generational travel.

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50+ Tips On How To Look Amazing in Photos šŸ“ø

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