Introducing your children to new places and cultures is one of the greatest joys of family travel. Abbie and Greg met and got engaged in the beautiful city of Milan, so it only made sense to introduce their daughters to the city that holds so much meaning for them. Read on for their favourite way to spark curiosity in their kids before they travel.

“Greg and I met in Milan 12 years ago during a college semester abroad. We have been together ever since. The last time we were in Milan together was when he proposed ten years ago. Travel has always been very important to us, and increasingly so as we started a family. This year, we wanted to return to the city that brought us together, this time with our two daughters.

“Before every trip, we buy our kids an age-appropriate book introducing them to the city and use it as a bedtime story for a few weeks leading up to the trip. This time, it was a beautiful pop-up book featuring many of Milan’s famous landmarks. My favourite moments are always watching their eyes as they recognize each landmark without being told. As we turned the corner and saw just the first glimpse of the Duomo, both my kids squealed in excitement and my heart was full, both with their contagious joy and my own sweet memories of this place that is so meaningful in the formation of our family.” – Abbie