Customers write us weekly about new cities they want to add. Sometimes we JUMP THE “QUEUE”  and fast-track launching a new location because, well, it’s just the right thing to do. Plus, we go totally mushy for a heart-warming story. Here are four of our favourites:

Why we launched Chicago
Last summer, JoAnn wrote me a message asking ‘when we were launching in Chicago’. Her dear friend Ang had just beaten cancer, thus five best friends from Calgary were embarking on a girls’ trip to Chicago to celebrate the wonderful news. Now Chicago wasn’t in our immediate plans, but NOW it sure as heck was. See their photos/story here

Why we launched Santorini
Tanis wrote us to see if we could launch in Santorini in time for a special birthday last August. It was unlikely, but we offered to try. Weeks before her trip, we still hadn’t launched yet. (we take recruiting very seriously!) Tanis then polled her network, did some research and found a few Greek photographers whom she kindly offered to email for us. She wanted to book through Flytographer, but was willing to help us recruit in order to make it happen. This warmed our ♥  so much that we dropped everything and focused full-tilt on finding Tanis the right photographer in time for her trip. Not only did we discover and onboard Flytographer Nikos (who is fab) to photograph them, but her boyfriend, Phil, secretly proposed right before the shoot, so instead of just marking a birthday, we were now capturing ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS!!! See their photos/story here

Why we launched Lisbon
I met Jana at a honeymoon trade show in Vancouver, Canada. She stopped by our booth and asked us if Lisbon, Portugal was on our city list, as she was going there on honeymoon that summer. It wasn’t. She convinced me in her charming way, that it was a “must add location” and that I wouldn’t regret it. She even sent me a New York Times article that sold her on traveling there, and, of course, immediately sold me too. Jana and Ben added a Flytographer Gift Card to their wedding registry and a friend purchased it for them. Not only did they LOVE their shoot, they LOVED their Flytographer Goncalo so much, they all ended up going for drinks afterwards. See their photos/story here.
PS – Jana’s passion for Lisbon led me to travel there last spring and I too, fell head over heels in love with this charming seaside jewel. If you get a chance, I highly recommend it.

Why we launched Stuttgart
If you’ve been reading our blog or following us on Facebook you may remember Joyce & Scott, one of our favourite couples. We captured them on a ‘trip of a lifetime’ to Paris to celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary. After Paris, they were popping over to Stuttgart, Germany to visit their daughter, son-in-law and grandkids, and we knew their photo album would be incomplete without capturing special memories of everyone together there too. See their photos/story here.

Nicole Smith
Founder, Flytographer

Do you have a special reason we need to launch in a new city? We want to know! Click here to send us a message. We can’t promise, but some stories we just can’t resist! PS – You can share this post with your friends, family using the SHARE buttons below.

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