Planning a couple’s vacation with your travel opposite? We’ve got tips to ease the planning process.
You crave an autumnal European jaunt, your spouse’s passport is expired; your sweetheart favours the mountains, you’d much prefer making the most of museums on a hot, sticky day. A romantic getaway with your partner sounds like a dream, but the reality is that, often, preferred activities don’t always match up (and arguing over how to spend precious moments on vacation is far from ideal).
Fortunately, there are ways for even the most opposite of travel partners to enjoy a couple’s vacation with (or without — more on that to come!) each other. Here, we explain.

Choose a destination with a little bit of everything
If your better half loves the water and you want to museum hop, there’s no need to pick one over the other. Find a place that offers both — a place like Barcelona, which has the beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, picture-perfect coastal towns like Tossa de Mar, and cultural sites like Sagrada Família, Gaudi’s famous unfinished church. Instead of grumbling while you’re doing what your partner wants, ask questions about what they like about the experience or why a good beach day fills them up. It’s an opportunity to connect and further understand your S.O. Relationships are all about compromise, right?
Split up from your travel buddy
On any trip, there’s nothing wrong with going your own way for a morning or afternoon. It’s important to be a little selfish and do that one thing (or those two things!) you really want to do in a new place. If your significant other is set on visiting an archaeological museum and you’d rather spend your time in a downtown art gallery, go your separate ways and meet for lunch to discuss everything you saw or did over a glass of wine or a cup of local coffee.

Try something new
It might sound off-putting, but stepping out of both your and your partner’s comfort zones can be the perfect compromise — and a holiday is the ideal time to do something different. When both parties are “beginners,” there’s an opportunity to discover a new, shared interest. Find out what’s big in your destination—maybe it’s cooking classes, sailing, or skiing. You might just find something new you both love. If not, you’ll make memories and have a story to tell.

Take a solo or friend trip
Been dying to check out Scottsdale’s spas or Savannah’s slower way of life, but don’t think your partner feels the same way? Take a solo trip — something 65 percent of women have done. It provides the opportunity to curate a trip exactly to your likings. If you’re not quite ready to head out on your own, grab your best friend or a group of people who tend to share your interests on-the-go. Not every trip is meant to be a romantic getaway and that’s OK. Traveling with others — with friends or family — can help you (re-)connect with them in new ways.