See more: family – adoption – kids – Addis Ababa

Photo: Tiffany Mockford
Two years ago, we were honoured to photograph a very special moment in one of our customers’ lives: the joining of mother and daughter in a sweet adoption story from Ethiopia. We asked Nicole for an update on her beautiful girl, and she wrote us a touching account of Ayanna’s life in her home on Canada’s east coast.

Photo: Nancy Hurry-Hogan
“I arrived home on Prince Edward Island with Ayanna a few days after our Flytographer photo shoot, in February 2014. Family and friends welcomed us with tremendous enthusiasm, and showered us with love and support. My sweet baby girl settled right into her new home, and I set about learning how to be her mommy.

Photo: Nancy Hurry-Hogan

Photo: Nancy Hurry-Hogan
“Ayanna brings joy to all who know her. She is affectionate, sociable and funny; smart, confident and determined; curious, adventurous and oh-so-mischievous. She loves cuddling at story-time, dancing at ceilidhs, going to the beach, dressing up in fancy gowns, playing at the park, shopping at ‘Balu Billage’ (Value Village), and eating mini-donuts at the Farmers’ Market… the only thing she really doesn’t like is getting her hair combed. She goes to ‘school’ (daycare) two days/week; she started swimming lessons a few weeks ago, and she’ll start music lessons in the New Year. We have so much fun together… she’s my dream come true. I’m grateful for every twist and turn in the long journey to motherhood that brought me to her.

Photo: Nancy Hurry-Hogan
“A lot of photos have been taken of Ayanna, but this Flytographer photo [below] is my favourite. I love it, not only because it’s one of the precious few photos of us together in her homeland, but also because she looks so content, and I look so happy. I remember being totally in the moment that day, oblivious to everything that was happening all around me, still hardly believing that I was finally holding the child who had always lived in my heart. Our Flytographer, Tracy, discreetly and skillfully captured the beginning of our Happily Ever After.” – Nicole Bellefleur

Flytographer: Tracy in Addis Ababa
See Nicole and Ayanna’s beautiful story in Ethiopia here.